Recently, I wrote regarding changes we’ve been following in however Google treats Exact-Match Domains (EMDs). (Friday, 9/28), Matt Cutts tweeted the subsequent message:
Matt Cutts has stated in a Tweet That Google domain names on any keyword focus and poor quality content offering tackle.
It has always taken for granted That leg he scored very well in the search results as your domain name matches the keyword you want to be found. This has always been a drawback. Lots of websites with relevant content and barely a few backlinks Often scored very well in search results.
Google Goes According To Matt its axis algorithms customize websites with 'exact match domain name with bad content Addressed. This does not mean That All websites Addressed. Read more think about EMD (exact match domains) related please check here - Google's EMD Algo Update , Exact Match Domains No Longer Rank As Well
Matt Cutts has stated in a Tweet That Google domain names on any keyword focus and poor quality content offering tackle.
It has always taken for granted That leg he scored very well in the search results as your domain name matches the keyword you want to be found. This has always been a drawback. Lots of websites with relevant content and barely a few backlinks Often scored very well in search results.
Google Goes According To Matt its axis algorithms customize websites with 'exact match domain name with bad content Addressed. This does not mean That All websites Addressed. Read more think about EMD (exact match domains) related please check here - Google's EMD Algo Update , Exact Match Domains No Longer Rank As Well
This is very interesting. I have been trying to recover from the Google Penguin update for sometime now. This post sheds a little more light on the issue. Thanks for informing me.